
How to wear little black dress this holiday season

Time to start holiday dress shopping! The best dress choice for various parties is an exquisite little black dress. Black is a color that works well with all skin tones and body types. You don’t have to worry that you are wearing the wrong dress if you are dressed in a black gown. Every woman should have a couple of little black dresses in her closet. You never know when you’ll have a date or just need a quick look for a night out or event.

You might think that it is easy to buy a little black dress, it's just harder than you think to find the perfect one. The Little Black Dress should be simple, without too much fuss. The best thing is, if he is not bound fashion so you can continue to wear it. The simpler the dress, the easier it is to combine it. For the holiday parties, opt for little black dresses with an extra like an open back, a sequin fabric, a little sparkle, big bow or a Taft.

If you don't know how to wear little black dress, wear black from head to toe. There's something classic about a head-to-toe black look that's also impeccably tailored. To achieve it, stick with a fit-and-flare dress and a streamlined blazer. Don't want to wear your dress alone? Keep the fact you're wearing a basic little black dress altogether hidden by belting a buffalo plaid poncho on top. If your LBD has any colored embellishments, play it up by coordinating accessories. An oversize blue handbag, for example, will help infuse a jolt of interest.

 If your dress is sheer, going all black with accessories won't ever feel too heavy. Plus, patent-leather loafers add some dimension.  If you opt for a t-shirt-style black dress, stick to a downtown vibe with studded booties, a bold-colored clutch and a wide-brimmed felt hat. Even the most basic little black gown can wow onlookers. You might just top it with a statement jacket and some sparkly statement heels. A dressy frock doesn't always require heels. Sleek sneakers are also great choices. About the accessories, opt for a punchy green purse which can add youth to a more formal silhouette.

Wish to upgrade your little black dress look? You may throw a top on over your dress to add texture and shape. Belt the waist over both layers to accentuate your waistline. While a structured top is an easy addition to any LBD style, find a slimmer fitting style to avoid a bunchy situation. Also, you may balance a frilly strapless party dress with a tailored white button down shirt. Pile on a statement necklace and classic black pumps for a dressed-up daytime look.

You will be able to pull of your look magnificently and become an instant attraction the moment you enter the club or the party entrance with the party dresses from Blackfive

