People always associate pink with Barbie.
Many women refuse to wear pink since they thought pink would make them look
like princess. In fact, pink comes in various shades. You can look both stylish
and feminine as long as you have chosen the right pink shade. The following are
some tips on how to rock pink this winter.
Usually, dark colors like black and berry
are trending color for fall/winter. Forget about these shades this winter. Why
not do exactly the opposite with other people this winter? Try some bright and
refreshing colors like pink! In 18th century Europe, pink was worn by male and
female nobility, and pink eventually became the color for baby boys until about
World War II. Pink can be a color that's as daring as it is dainty, bold as it
is precious.
Shade is an important consideration. If you
have olive skin and dark or brown hair, hot pink will look best on you. If you
have a fair complexion and fair hair, pale and pastel pinks will suit you. If
you are neither fair nor dark, most shades of pink will work for you. Pale
shades work best on darker complexions while sugary bright colors are best on
paler skins to avoid a washed-out effect. Light pink looks great on everyone,
and it's no longer just for spring. When the skies are a dreary gray for days
on end, introducing some color into your outerwear can make all the difference
in your mood.
You may start simple with a single pink
dress that can be easily worn for different occasions from formal to casual,
weekday to weekend. A blush pink overcoat adds a feminine flair that all can
see while you are out and about but can easily be removed once you have arrived
at your workplace. If you want to be bold, pair various shades of pink with red
for a statement look that shows your feminine side.
If wearing pink from head to toe feels too
sweet for your style, nod to the trend with ballet pink polish instead! Sometimes
a statement shoe is an easy way to incorporate a new and perhaps daring color
into an otherwise monochrome wardrobe. Also, you may try adding pink to your
look by wearing pink lipsticks. Anyone who says pink lipstick doesn’t look good
on her just hasn’t found the right one.
A lot of girls are sure to be wearing pink during the prom. The secret to looking great among a mass of pink prom dresses is to choose a different design and cut. Find one at